I will admit that my beginning post on WordPress is a quick slide of Flash/Adobe Animate shortcuts. Nevertheless, it definitely is just as good of a starting as any other. People say that it is good to memorize all these shortcuts and then use them in your work to animate much faster. Now, you are not sure, which shortcut keys are important and which are extras. I have provided you with all the shortcuts found in Adobe Animate and I am happy to announce you do not even need to learn. I have categorized it for you all and you can just print it out, and paste it in front of you, in your office, home, school, or college.


For Windows


     Universal keys, I am referring to those keys which are the same in whatever software we use: for example, Ctrl + C is copied in Adobe Animate, Autodesk Maya, and also Microsoft Office PowerPoint.

Cut ---> Ctrl + X

Copy ---> Ctrl + C

Paste ---> Ctrl + V

Paste in Place ---> Ctrl + Shift + V

Save ---> Ctrl + S

Save As ---> Ctrl + Shift + S

Undo ---> Ctrl + Z

Redo ---> Ctrl + Y

Group ---> Ctrl + G

Ungroup ---> Ctrl + Shift + G

Duplicate ---> Ctrl + D

Select All ---> Ctrl + A

Deselect All ---> Ctrl + Shift + A

New ---> Ctrl + N

Open ---> Ctrl + O

Close ---> Ctrl + W

Close All ---> Ctrl + Alt + W

Document ---> Ctrl + J

Quit ---> Ctrl + Q

Publish ---> Shift + Alt + F12

New from Template ---> Ctrl + Shift + N

Publish Settings ---> Ctrl + Shift + F12

Edit Preferences ---> Ctrl + U

Find and Replace ---> Ctrl + F

Find Next ---> F3

New from Template ---> Ctrl + Shift + N

Standard Screen Mode ---> Esc

Browse in Bridge ---> Ctrl + Alt + O

Note: Browse in Bridge, despite in universal, can only be used for Adobe software. The reasons I put it here is because it is a part of New from Template, and next, it applies to all fifty-plus (50+) Adobe products.


     Most used keys, I am referring to those keys which are mostly being used in Adobe Animate and are essential to learning in order to make your work faster: such as F8 to apply a symbol to an object.


New Symbol ---> Ctrl + F8

Convert to Symbol ---> F8

Convert to Keyframes ---> F6

Insert Frames ---> F5

Convert to Blank Keyframes ---> F7

Remove Frames ---> Shift + F5

Clear Frames ---> Alt + Backspace

Select all Frames ---> Ctrl + Alt + A

Zoom In ---> Ctrl + =

Zoom Out ---> Ctrl + -

Center to Stage ---> Ctrl + 0

100 % ---> Ctrl + 1

Show Frames ---> Ctrl + 2

Show All ---> Ctrl + 3

400 % ---> Ctrl + 4

800 % ---> Ctrl + 8

Break Apart ---> Ctrl + B

Distribute to layers ---> Ctrl + Shift + D

Distribute to Keyframes ---> Ctrl + Shift + K

Scale and Rotation ---> Ctrl + Alt + 5

90° Rotation Clockwise ---> Ctrl + Shift + 9

Counter-clockwise 90° Rotation ---> Ctrl + Shift + 7

Bring Forward ---> Ctrl + Up (↑)

Bring to Front ---> Ctrl + Shift + Up (↑)

Send Backwards ---> Ctrl + Down (↓)

Send to Back ---> Ctrl + Shift + Down (↓)

Show Library ---> Ctrl + L

Show Align ---> Ctrl + K

Align Left ---> Ctrl + Alt + 1

Align Center Horizontal ---> Ctrl + Alt + 2

Align Right ---> Ctrl + Alt + 3

Align Top ---> Ctrl + Alt + 4

Align Center Vertical ---> Ctrl + Alt + 5

Align Bottom ---> Ctrl + Alt + 6

Distribute Width ---> Ctrl + Alt + 7

Distribute Height ---> Ctrl + Alt + 9

Align to Stage ---> Ctrl + Alt + 8

     This is the most important to consider in alignment as whether this is tick or not, will decide if the alignment has to be in canvas or it has to be between objects.


Make Same Width ---> Ctrl + Alt + Shift + 7

Make Same Height ---> Ctrl + Alt + Shift + 9

Outline ---> Ctrl + Alt + Shift + O

Ruler ---> Ctrl + Alt + Shift + R

Show Swatch ---> Ctrl + F9

Show Transform ---> Ctrl + T

Remove Transformation ---> Ctrl + Shift + Z

Add Shape Hints ---> Ctrl + Shift + H

     Shape Hints are mostly used with Shape Tweening/Morphing.


  1. Your comprehensive list of Adobe Animate shortcuts is incredibly detailed and well-organized. Will for sure keep them handy and this will be immensely helpful

    1. I am intrigued that you like the shortcuts I have provided for Animate using animators to paste in their house like I did in my own studio too, despite of already practiced enough to have important shortcuts and the most used ones especially in mind. I try to keep it perfect and well-organised so that it does not waste anyone's time and I did this as I realised that no one,, despite providing the shortcurs has actually done this yet. Of course, even as in the industry you can come to the internet and see these anytime on my website to refer to. Thank you for sharing your lovely comment with the Takzmanian community. For those who do not know how to be a part of this community, follow my server in Discord, see 2 or 3 of my videos and subscribe to my comment if you are interested in them.


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