How to MAKE a BLOG on BLOGGER in 2024


     Blogger is a straightforward blog to create. To join, visit and sign in using your Gmail account. You can then switch to becoming male/female and if you do not prefer telling, you can choose "Rather not say". To get a Google account, press "Continue to Blogger" and "Start a blog".

     To access the website, users must select a password and fill out a form for Google. Google AdSense is a great way to manage your Blogger. To create the blog, users must type in their username and then click "Create your blog". If not logged in, there is a sign-in option at the top of the page. Contempo is a pre-built template that allows visitors to alter the look and design of their website.

     It includes fifty-three themes: Soho (Neon), Contempo (Dark) and Emporio (Technica). To fine-tune the current theme, users can click Customize up top and select an image to serve as the main background. They can also modify the primary colour of several menu items, buttons, and text, as well as the background colour, font style, colour, and colours on both visited and hovering links. Additionally, they can back up their existing theme and restore it to start over with the most recent version under "Themes".

     If you want to know in detail about how to create a blog, read it down below after introduction, pros and cons.



     Today I decided to blog on how to write a blog on Blogger and to see a sample of how blogs will look on the website, check this website Takzicution Studios. Among the greatest online blogging platforms for creating your own blog and you will go through all you need to know to set up as well as edit our Blogger blog. Despite WordPress being the best option for making posts and pages without coding, Blogger is more of a beginner-level platform. Many of my friends have asked me, "Hey! How do you make your websites," and I end up making one for them too. Furthermore, so many individuals want to run blogs or are asked to do so as freelancers but they do not know how to do it, so I chose this topic. But after following this post step by step, you will be able to do it on your own.

     Blogger is a pretty straightforward blog to make. The first thing you must do is visit and sign in using your Gmail ID; as Blogger is synchronised with Google and having a Gmail account is all you need to accomplish this. Choose a Blogger profile; it might be a Google+ or a restricted Blogger profile. After that, you must verify our account. If you want to learn how to create Google Account, click here "Creating-a-Google-Account".

Note: You cannot create a blog on Blogger using any other email address. All you have to do is visit and sign in using our Gmail account.


     Previously, the Blogger profile was instead selected. It said, "We will be seen as..."

     The Google Plus Account is no longer required and you can work with your Google Account directly; however, if you are curious to know how you use to set-up Google Plus account when you chose "Continue to Blogger," I have provided steps below.


     Just a display name was needed, and I came up with Victree Media™. You removed the default name and put in a new name.


     You then switch to becoming male/female, and if you do not prefer telling, then you could choose "Rather not say".


     If a photo needs to be uploaded right away, click "Create Profile"; else, click "Skip" to do it later.


     You now had a Google Plus profile and you were ready to start a blog.


     All you have to do is press "Continue to Blogger" and "Start a blog."


1. You get your own custom domain with its own SSL {Secure Sockets Layer} certificate.

2. You get completely free web hosting.

3. You can actually create content that ranks [That I think is astonishing].

+ You have enough control over the On-page SEO {Search Engine Optimization}, in terms of the title, tags, and meta-description.

+ Just the overall structure of the blog post, so it actually has a chance of you actually getting free search engine traffic.


1. You have to have dates in your website address.

+ I hate it, it is annoying and there is no way to change that like in WordPress.

+ Yeah! You can set a custom website address (URL {Uniform Resource Locator}) within Blogger, but all it does is and then, you can change whatever the post title is; however, you cannot get rid of dates.

+ So yes, this is one of the reasons why I do not recommend using Blogger over WordPress because that is quite irritating.

2. The designs have lots of annoying built-in restrictions.

+ For example, I want to keep my privacy policy, declaimers, contact, terms and conditions, etc on the Footer.

+ But with Blogger, the way it is built and natively is that it restricts you from adding in the Footer, forcing you to jump into the HTML {HyperText Markup Language} view to find the section where it says Footer, then you basically have to unlock it.

+ Once you unlock it, then you can start adding Gadgets: like HTML {HyperText Markup Language}, text, add social media buttons, etc.

+ I do not know why Google make it so troublesome to edit the Footer.

+ Adding a header is also a headache on Bloggerlike adding your own logo.

+ Depending on the theme you are using, the image will blow your logo out: like if you are uploading a 200 x 200px {Pixels} image and it blows it up to 300 x 300 {Pixels}.

+ Then, you have to go through some trial and error of trying different sizes, it just becomes a pain in the butt.

3. I do not like to say but its AdSense integration is just worse.

+ I love the fact that you can run ads on your Blogger website because, with Google websites, you are not allowed to basically run ads, but Blogger has their own integration.

But this is a con because how do you get your website verified for Adsense: like when I click on it, it says "My website is not ready to be monetized with AdSense". Unlike YouTube, there is no communication.


Getting Started:

     Now on the Blogger page, you can see our icon and name when you click on it, proving that our channel has been formed. There is a very, very, very, very important step you need to know next. Type in ''.


     You need to move down and click on "Create your blog". If you have your Google account and yet, you are not logged in, then you have to get a sign-in option. There, you will type in your username and then, the password.


     You need to think up a title, just like I came up with Victree Media, and then click "Next."


     You must think of a link address that is both suitable for you and is available, like You can press "Prev {Previous}" if you notice that the names of your link and the title are not the same. I would advise selecting a website name first and then naming the title afterwards.

     Keep in mind, that if you have not purchased a domain name, then will be by default like a watermark (Stating that it is made by using Google Blogger).


     You click "Create blog" once you have provided your name. After that, you determine our display name and our blog is now ready.

     You can write a new post, you can publish a page, can change your layout, can change the theme, can see your statistics on how our blog is performing, you can even read comments in the dashboard and you can also monetise your website by linking it to Google Adsense.


     Your blog's "Dashboard" panel will now appear when you click it. In order to comply with the privacy policies, a GDPR notice tells you that Cookies are automatically put in.


     To get a live preview Right-click on "View Blog" in the bottom-left corner. By default, our layout is extremely candid, with the primary headline at the top, the list of posts below it, and our profile information to the left.


Customising a THEME:

     Let us look at how to alter the look of our website. A pre-built template called "Themes" defines this. While there are many others accessible on Blogger that you can select, check, and "Apply" live, you have seen this one on top so far. These Themes enable you to change your blog's overall design as well as its fundamental look and colour.

     You cannot add any additional theme but you have to work with fifty-three of them that you are provided with. "But mister Ghost, those are so many."

     Do not worry, I have selected the three best ones for you in this specific order: Soho (Neon), Contempo (Dark) and Emporio (Technica). The one you currently are seeing is Soho (Neon). Although, Technica looks much better Soho, by default, provides a "Featured Blog" separately and on top and also tells which is the last blog.


     To fine-tune your current theme, click "Customize" up top.


     To choose an image to serve as the main background, swipe left to reveal the background image menu.


     You can modify the primary colour of several menu items, buttons, and text according to the settings the theme offers. The inclusion of HTML {HyperText Markup Language} codes is required for further customization.


     You can change the background colour, font style, colour, as well as colours on both visited and hovering links, under the advanced section, among other elements you have. Depending on the piece selected, all these possibilities are variable.


     While all of the gadgets that are now present can be edited, under Gadgets.


     Use the floppy disc (Save) icon located in the bottom right corner to save and publish all.


     You can back up your existing theme and restore it to start over with the most recent version under "Themes" next to the "Customise" button.



     You can also go to an older generation of the theme and edit via (By) HTML {HyperText Markup Language} code, to make changes that are not possible with the plain theme interface you just saw.



     When you enter the web address and the password to log in to your Blogger, you are directed to the post panel. Let us look at the post's implementation and going to "New Post" will allow us to begin composing one.


Define the post title or name up top, and then input the body text down below. You can also copy and paste any content.


     You have a number of buttons to create your post below the title, including the ability to undo and redo changes, alter the font family, modify the font size, and apply other formats like paragraph or p HTML {HyperText Markup Language} tags.


     The various headings (h1, h2 tags, and so on). The text style, fill colour, and background colour can all be modified next to it.

Note: Make sure to select any text first.


     You can add hyperlinks by selecting the text to insert, the destination address, and the option to open in a new browser tab using the link button.


     The "Insert image" button allows you to browse for any image from your computer or from any website, and you may change the alignment, size, captions, and ALT characteristics.


     The "Inset video" option, however, allows you to upload any video, resize it as necessary, and then upload it from your PC or directly from YouTube.


     Moreover, you may add emojis, change the arrangement of any text, or add bulleted or numbered lists.


     You can utilise "Input Tools," drop quotes, horizontal separators, and "Input Tools" provides you with a keyboard for the selected language of your post, in case you want to write a translation or so.


     Once everything is applied and your post is online, click "Publish" on the right when you are ready.


     This might be understandable, but what is confusing to you might be, what does the pencil icon do and it only says "Compose" or "HTML {HyperText Markup Language}" view? The first editor that is seen is the "Compose view," which is the easiest and most user-friendly.


     You may also switch to HTML {HyperText Markup Language} view to view or even edit the actual HTML {HyperText Markup Language} code that was used to create your article. Also, while using the "Compose view," this is updated.


     These options mentioned above are for both "Posts" and also "Pages"; however, it has properties on the right like in any animation program and this panel is only for "Posts".


     In order to make your post easier to find on your blog or the internet, you can add tags (or labels) here.


     You can also edit the post's publication date, add any interested location to the "Location," choose how to manage comment permissions on the post and get the post permalink, which you can use to share the post anywhere.


     If your current post is already uploaded, then click "Update" to apply and save all.



     There are three pages that I definitely add to all of my websites: about me, contact us and FAQ {Frequently Asked Questions} page.


     You can also view other blog pages outside the default Home by opening the "Pages" section.


     The Compose or the HTML {HyperText Markup Language} view, as seen for the posts, can be accessed by selecting "New Page."


     Define the post title or name up top, and then input the body text down below. You can also copy and paste any content.


          You have a number of buttons to create your post below the title, including the ability to undo and redo changes, alter the font family, modify the font size, and apply other formats like paragraph or p HTML {HyperText Markup Language} tags.


     The various headings (h1, h2 tags, and so on). The text style, fill colour, and background colour can all be modified next to it.


Note: Make sure to select any text first.


     You can add hyperlinks by selecting the text to insert, the destination address, and the option to open in a new browser tab using the link button.


     The "Insert image" button allows you to browse for any image from your computer or from any website, and you may change the alignment, size, captions, and ALT characteristics.


The "Inset video" option, however, allows you to upload any video, resize it as necessary, and then upload it from your PC or directly from YouTube.


     You may add emojis, change the arrangement of any text, or add bulleted or numbered lists.


     You can utilise "Input Tools," drop quotes, horizontal separators, and "Input Tools" provides you with a keyboard for the selected language of your post, in case you want to write a translation or so.


     Once everything is applied and your post is online, click "Publish" on the right when you are ready.


     This might be understandable, but what is confusing to you might be, what does the pencil icon do and it only says "Compose" or "HTML {HyperText Markup Language}" view? The first editor that is seen is the "Compose view," which is the easiest and most user-friendly.


     You may also switch to HTML {HyperText Markup Language} view to view or even edit the actual HTML {HyperText Markup Language} code that was used to create your article. Also, while using the "Compose view," this is updated.


Unlike "Posts," which automatically appear on your website after being added and displayed on your dashboard, "Pages" does not.


     Posts and Pages will all pile up in the Posts and Pages section as you save and publish them. In accordance with the design of your website, it will be listed on your Homepage. This displays larger Featured Posts, the most recent article, and every other post below it, making up the page body.


     The first one we see is the default layout, but you may completely change and customise it by launching the Layout Panel. Each layout consists of a number of elements, each of which contains one or more gadgets.
 For example, you might change the gadget orders or conceal your blogger profile from the Sidebar on the left.

Note: Make sure to save it to get a quick preview of it.


     You can add a new Gadget to incorporate an AdSense banner, unique  HTML {HyperText Markup Language} codes, page headers, blog archives, profiles, or search bars.


     Similar to how you may give any title or description and add any image as background, you can also hide or reveal the header at the top.


     The title, abstract, and thumbnails of Featured Posts can also be shown or hidden to make their appearance look different.


     Set the number of posts and comments to display in the Page Body.


     You can edit the blog Footer to include attributes and copyright notices, at the bottom.

     You might be thinking, "Where are the Pages that I added?" While it is effortless to add pages in WordPress, Blogger has a bit of a learning curve.


     Until the permalink is not shared on your website or somewhere online, it cannot be accessed. One of the best ways to do so is to add this link to a dedicated Menu. To add a Menu, go to Layout.


     Go to Page List, add all interested pages and adjust their order.


MANAGING Your Website:



You can review and control all comments made in the Comments section by concealing, flagging, or deleting those that you do not want to see.


     If you have a linked AdSense account, you can go to Earnings.


     Examine the statistics for it. On the contrary, you can check your website's performance under the Stats option.

Manage Your SETTINGS:


     Your blog's title, description, and language are just a few of the variables you can change.


     In order to obtain information about your traffic and effectiveness, you can also add warnings in the event that you address adult content.


     The icon of the browser tab that opens your website can also be customised by clicking on the Favicon.

Note: Make sure to clear your cache if you do not see it applied. Below you get other options: such as showing or hiding your blog from web searches, applying an HTTPS ({HyperText Transfer Protocol Secure} that we recommend for safety) and managing permissions.


     Set the number of posts to display in addition, and include any CSS (Cascading Style Sheets) files you intend to use as a template.


     To optimise your blog's indexing on search engines, separate my commas under the heading "Formatting" and change the time zone, the data format, and all of the keywords.


     If a page does not exist (Error 404), you can change the display message below and set up redirects.


     Make a backup of your entire blog or choose to delete it under Manage Blog.


     If you want to link any Google AdSense accounts under Monetisation, include your ads.txt file.


     We first go to GoDaddy Website ¹ or Hostgator Website ². You can also utilise a Custom Domain under the Publication sector, or you can use the one you currently own. Follow the steps listed below to create a CNAME {Canonical Name} record if your domain is registered with a firm other than Blogger.

     A CNAME {Canonical Name} is an entry in the Domain Name System {DNS} that indicates the location of your website pages. To link your custom domain to your blog, utilise the CNAME {Canonical Name}. After purchasing your domain, choose if you want to use a specific subdomain for your blog.


     In this situation, Blogger will provide you with two CNAME {Canonical Name} records for your domain panel.


     Remove any A records from your domain after logging in, then add the two CNAME {Canonical Name} entries with the proper name and description.


     After at least twenty-four hours, add your own domain and enable redirects to make it work.


     You must first create a corresponding CNAME {Canonical Name} record for the (Related blog URL {Uniform Resource Locator} you chose). For instance, if you chose, will be linked to your blog.


      A second security CNAME {Canonical Name} record is required. The system should reject your attempt to register your domain in Blogger and display two security tokens.


     To link the short token (For example, hmzhzn56z3si) to the long token, you must make a second CNAME {Canonical Name} record (Example:

Note: It could take up to forty-eight hours for DNS {Domain Name System} record changes to take effect.

Takzi's Opinion

     All and all, I really like Blogger, hence which is why I have this website running on it and I am providing tutorials for this web-making platform. I think, it is an ideal solution if you are a YouTuber or anyone else, who just wants to know what the fuss is all about and just wants to experience making a personal project, but is not planning to invest in a proper domain name. If you just need a place to write whatever you want. Maybe you are someone who understands SEO {Search Engine Optimisation} and has to practice it, Blogger is your answer since it has free hosting, a custom domain name, SSL {Secure Sockets Layer} certificate, ease of use with creating content, and all those things.

Nonetheless, it is not ideal, if you need to build a large, income-generating website that is your asset and you are able to sell, much more. If your goal is to build a large, money-earning website, the asset that you can totally own yourself, I would then insist WordPress over Wix and especially Blogger, for WordPress provides better SEO {Search Engine Optimisation}, has various plugins and themes, gives us more control over the design, and a lot more than you can imagine.

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  1. etailed guide on creating a blog using Blogger is impressive! It covers every step comprehensively, making it easy for beginners to follow along. The pros and cons provide valuable insights, and your personal opinion adds authenticity. Consider breaking down some sections into shorter paragraphs for better readability. Overall, great job on providing a thorough tutorial!

    1. I am thrilled that you like the blogger tutorial that I wrote for you. I made sure to not leave any thing out. Thanks for the tip! Shorter paragraphs for readability are key. I'll incorporate that into future posts and do share with everyone you know and are interested in. Any more suggestions, just let me know? Thank you so much, I am proud to hear that.


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