TOO MANY FAILED ATTEMPTS Problem Solution (Google Account)


     The author was struggling to log in to their second Google account due to a two-step verification issue. They were unsure if it was due to sleepiness or a lack of uploading their first video. After multiple attempts, they received a message stating the account was unavailable due to too many failed attempts. They searched YouTube for solutions and found a solution that worked for them. They decided to share their solution with others, as it may not work for everyone. To work, they needed a separate device or browser where they had not logged in to Google yet. They also advised against using guest mode in any browser, as it requires sign-in. The author's experience highlights the importance of patience and understanding when dealing with issues like this. It's not insecure, as no hacker will wait for you to close the two-Step verification for seven days. If you still feel insecure, you can minimize it to three days without verification. Companies make it difficult to log in due to three reasons: childhood beliefs, parental pressure, and financial concerns.

     If you want to know in detail about unlocking your Google Account, read it down below.


     I was lying on my bed, thinking about what to write a blog on next. I was blank; my silly brain could not come up with anything. I do not know whether I was sleepy, was it the fact that I was worried about the upcoming exams, or was it because of not being able to upload my first video: I do not know. The room was dark, I was trying to log in to my second Google account when I stumbled upon a strange issue.

How did the Issue Occur?

     I had a two-step verification access, and unknowing that the verification code was being sent to my same Gmail account, which I was trying to log in to. I was just waiting and wondering why the code was not appearing on my phone number. Usually, the way is simple, you request the verification code and the company sends it to you. You type that number down and that is it; nothing more to it. Maybe I was a bit sleepy. Anyways, I kept on trying over and over again and I received a message, "Unavailable because of too many failed attempts. Try again in a few hours".


     No big deal, huh? Those who are facing this know how problematic this is, and this is why I am writing today's blog. I tried after two hours, then four hours, and eight hours, and yet, I could not verify and the pop-up was still there. Googling it, I got to know that the account gets blocked for 3 days, or it can even be blocked for a week or two. I cannot wait that much, I thought to myself, so I went to YouTube. There are videos, stating "Hey! Problem is solved", "Solution to the problem, 101% works, guaranteed", and trust me, I followed all of them. So, I began to play around with the account recovery, tried logging in with different devices and tried different methods if it works, and then I found one way to solve it. As it was hard with the tutorials, I decided to share how I solved this problem. Of course, I am aware that method changes over time and not all problems are the same, and this solution might not work for every single person; however, for the most part, I can assure you, if you follow these steps properly, you will not have to wait three or more days for it to be available.


     Seeing the situation that you are in, you cannot verify through phone number or email anymore, and you have not received any response from Google Support team yet, because you have just sent an email. Nevertheless, you have your business emails, your channel email and you have your social media emails also, which you have to respond to and so, you cannot wait for long. What shall you do?

     First thing is first, what do you require for this to work? All you need for this to work is a separate device where you have not logged in to
Google yet, or you can make use of a separate browser if that device is all that you have. For example, if you were trying to log in from Google Chrome on your smartphone, then follow this technique in Opera Mini or any browser on your computer where Google is not logged in. Two things to remember is that. First, do NOT use the guest mode in any browser because you will need to sign in; I do not know why, it just does not work. Second, remember to make sure you are not logged in, but that is obvious because this is for those who have not logged in and are now suffering from this trouble.


     Type in the
Google search engine, "Recover Gmail Account".


     Click on the first/second option, where it reads, "How to recover your Google Account or Gmail"?


     Scroll down to "Forgot your password" and click on "Recover your Google Account or Gmail".


     Type in your email address and press "Next".


     Do NOT type in your password. Instead, click on "Try another way".


     Keep clicking on "Try another way" until you get a way to log in with your alternate email. You can do the "Tap yes..." option but an alternate email is better.


     I know, you might have tried logging in again on the device you wanted to and you might be saying, 'Uh! Should have figured like other videos, this technique is not also working since I still have this pop-up'.

     'Yes, yes! But you are not done yet?' I will declare.

     All you have done so far is logged in to your other device. The reason you have to recover your account is because this alternate email option does not show up when you log in. 'Alright,
Takzi! So now what do we do?'



     Excellent question. Afterward, you click on your account icon on the top-right of your page and click that.


     Click on "Manage my Google Account".



     Go to "Security/Security and Privacy [Depends on where you have logged in]".



     The final step that I actually solved my issue is to scroll down to "How you sign in to Google", and turn off Two-Step Verification for at least a week trust me, they will not ask for your phone number, as you are logged in already.

     Now, you will be able to log in to your Google Account on any gadget.


F.A.Q {Frequently Asked Questions}?

     I know what you are thinking. "
Takzi, can't we do the 11th step if we are already logged in with another device".

     My answer is 'yes,' and as I mentioned before, this tutorial is for those who log out after every use, and are not logged in at all. Although not everyone faces this situation, it is actually very common to come across.

     'Wait, switch off two-step verification for a week! Doesn't that mean our phones and laptops will be prone to hackers?' You might be asking as well.

     Yes, that is true. Nonetheless, you can turn it on, once you have logged in to the machine you wanted to log in to, after you have turned verification off, or just do not log out for a week. And besides, it will not be insecure, because no hacker will be waiting for you to close your two-Step verification, only to hack you, and you are only doing this for seven days. If you still feel insecure, you can minimize it to three days without verification.

Why Companies Block your Account?

     Now, the question lies, "Why do companies do this? Why do they make us go through such a pickle to log in? Why do they block our account in the first place?"

     There are actually three causes: First is what everyone has been told from their childhood, this is done so that the dummy, who is so many times trying to log in [I am not calling you an idiot, I am calling me one], is not a crook.

     The second reason is financial: let me explain [Studios]. Getting verification will not be costing us anything, no matter how much we ask for, but to send these verification the company to whose account you are trying to log in has to make payment.
Imagine when you call a person without a package or Wi-Fi, the balance of a sender deducts, while the receiver enjoys a free call, it is the same as that in verification. Keep in mind, there are hundreds of thousands of people logging in a day and they have to call or text verification code to every single one of them. So if they feel like for someone they have to use lots of cash, they block their account temporarily.

     These three reasons are to make you aware that you have done something wrong and that the request you are asking for is not working.

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  1. Your step-by-step guide is clear, concise, and incredibly helpful, ensuring that readers can follow along with ease and resolve their issues efficiently.

    Furthermore, your inclusion of a FAQ section addresses common concerns and uncertainties that readers may have, demonstrating your foresight and commitment to providing thorough assistance.

    I particularly appreciate your insightful explanation regarding why companies implement security measures such as two-step verification and temporary account blocks. Your analysis adds depth to the discussion and fosters a better understanding of the underlying reasons behind these measures.

    Overall, your blog post is a shining example of informative and empathetic content that seeks to empower readers to overcome challenges in the digital realm. Your willingness to share your experience and knowledge is commendable and undoubtedly makes a positive impact on your audience.

    Thank you for your valuable contribution to the online community, Takzicution. Keep up the excellent work!

    1. Dear Impeccable,

      I sincerely take out this time to express my gratitude for your amazing reply on my recent blog post. Your kind words truly mean a lot to me and inspire me to continue creating more content like this.

      I am thrilled to hear that you found the FAQ section helpful, and one of my main goals is to keep in mind common issues and provide clear answers to make the information more accessible to all my readers. Your positive feedback on this blog reassures me that I'm on the right track.

      Additionally, I am delighted that you found the explanation of security measures insightful. It's crucial to understand the reasons behind these practices, and I'm glad that it resonated with you. By shedding light on why companies implement measures like two-step verification and temporary account blocks, my aim was to empower readers with knowledge to better understand rather just blaming companies for what they have done.

      Your overall assessment of the blog post is incredibly encouraging. Knowing that it's making a positive impact on the online community motivates me to continue sharing valuable insights and guidance.

      Once again, thank you for taking the time to share your thoughts. Your feedback is invaluable and helps me improve as a content creator. If you ever have more questions or need further assistance, please don't hesitate to reach out.

      Warm regards,


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