To create  a
YouTube account, go to and select a "To manage my Business" that is what I suggest. "For myself" is a personal account, while a brand account allows multiple individuals to sign in, allowing them to access your YouTube channel without logging into your Google account. You can also have a different name on YouTube than your Google account name, and so that is recommended to choose the brand account. If you do not have a Gmail account, create a new one by clicking "Create a new Gmail address." Choose an original username and password, and fill out the form for Google. Read the terms and condtions before agreeing to them. After creating your Google account, you can add your business profile to your YouTube channel.

     If you want to know in detail about creating your fresh
Google Account, read it down below.


     As you just need a Google account for nearly everything nowadays, I am going to start by walking you through creating Google account, if you do not already have one. Initially, you will see a sign-in option at the top of the page when you go to


     You will select "Sign in" next. At this point, if you do not already have a Google account or a Gmail account, you would not see any accounts; instead, you will see the "New Account" option: "For myself" or "To manage my business" are your two choices.


     You probably want to select the "For myself" option since this is likely just your own personal YouTube channel, but I recommend selecting "To manage my business" instead because doing so will give you a few more options than if it were simply a personal YouTube account.

Note: One benefit of having a so-called "Brand account" is that numerous individuals can sign in. Instead of having to login into your Google account to access your Gmail and other services, they can just sign in to your YouTube channel. If you select "For myself," and you want someone else to sign in, they will truly need to obtain our password for our YouTube; everything Google.

     Thus, that is one major reason. Another reason [That is really cool], is you can have a different name on YouTube than your actual Google account. Hence, if you choose "For myself," your YouTube name will also be your Google account name. Nevertheless, since not everyone wants to do that, I strongly advise choosing the Brand account.


     Your name would not appear on our YouTube homepage when you will first fill out your Google sign-up form; you will have the option to change that later. You can therefore make any decision you wish.


     If you do not already have a Gmail account, you should hit "Create a new Gmail address instead" since your email address is located directly underneath your name. You must now come up with a username that comes before the, and if you do something that is already taken, it will display the following when you smack the password: "That this username is taken. Try another."

     Finding one that is original and has never been registered before is your goal. A number can be added to the end of the name, and it will also provide you with some suggestions; so perhaps it would be best to select the one that is available. Now, you know that this one is available and it was also suggested to us.


     You are going to select our password now.


     You will click "Next," and if you require a recovery email, you must fill out the form for Google.

Note: Any email can be used; Gmail is not required. You will therefore enter a few items for Google.


     You will click "Next" once more after filling that out.


     You can read about the terms and conditions. Then, scroll down to the "I agree" at the bottom, or ", or just press I agree like others do. But I recommend reading it first, else it is like signing a contract without reading. It reads, "Your Google account is all set." Your business profile can now be added.


     Actually, what you want to do is select "Not now." You are going to finish building your YouTube account on YouTube first.

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  1. Thanks takzicution, speaking of this awesome name congrats on completely changing the website to your awesome name. I really like this creative and well displayed article

    1. You're welcome, Impeccable. You're welcome and I am glad you love the name. Took me really long time to come up with it. If I have enough likes on this comment, I will share my method how I came up with this name. Thank you so much


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