SHAPE Tools in Animate



     This course teaches users how to use various shape tools for drawing, including the Rectangle Tool, Line Tool, Oval Tools, and Polystar Tool. The Line Tool is used to draw straight lines, while the Polystar Tool creates polygons, hexagons, octagons, and stars. The Polystar Tool can be selected by clicking and holding the mouse button on the Rectangle Tool and selecting from the pop-up menu. The line tool is in object drawing mode when the object drawing mode button is dented, preventing merges or cuts. The Polystar Tool can constrain the angle of the polygon/star to rotate in 45°. Both tools offer different properties for creating basic geometric shapes in Photoshop.

      If you want to know in detail about the three shape tools, read them down below:



     Before Animating, you need to draw something and as you have not invested on a drawing/display tablet [Click here to see tablets:], you can use shapes. Instead, you just want to use a mouse, then you need something to model. So, in this course, I am going to show you shape tools for drawing; it will include Line, Polystar, Rectangle and Oval Tool.


     Line Tool is used to draw one straight line segment at a time. Position your pointer where the line has to start, and drag it to where it has to end. You can select Window -> Properties, if you cannot find the properties panel in the right bar. You can play with attribute to make size, width, style, etc. change. Do take into account that you cannot set fill attribute for the Line Tool. When the object drawing mode button is dented, the line tool is in object drawing mode, which means that the object will not merge or cut each other as they intersect.


Polystar Tool

     This tool is called 'Polystar' rather than polygon is because of 2 reasons: Polygon Tool is a name of another tool, and second, this is used to make polygon, hexagon, octagon and even a star. Position your pointer where the shape has to start, and drag it to where it has to end. You can select window -> properties, if you are not able to find the properties panel in the right bar. Do keep in mind that star size only works for Star, it does not affect the Polygon shape. The number closer to zero creates deeper points, like needles. If you are modelling a polygon, then leave this setting unchanged. You can play with stroke attribute to make size, width, style, etc. change, and you can set fill attribute for the Polystar Tool. Unlike Line Tool, you can add fill attribute too, click "ok" and drag onto the stage. When the object drawing mode button is dented, the line tool is in object drawing mode, which means that the object will not merge or cut each other as they intersect.




Rectangle Tool:


Oval Tool:


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  1. Hey there what an incredible article I love knowing about this awesome software

    1. Hello, Impeccable. Great to hear from you again. I am happy that you like my post and I also like that you are interested in animate. If you have any questions, you can reach out in Takzicution in Twitter or Instagram.


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