PAINT BUCKET Tool in Animate




      Adobe Flash Player 8 and beyond offer a variety of shape tools, including the Color panel, Eyedropper Tool, Paint Bucket Tool, and Ink Bottle Tool. These tools allow users to modify color palettes, create multi-color gradients, and create swatches for hexadecimal mode. The Animate application also features the Eyedropper tool, which allows users to select new colors and edit their properties. The Paint Bucket Tool fills objects with the chosen color, and the Eyedropper tool can pick out gradient colors, strokes, and colors from any shape or drawing. The Lock fill color only works on gradients and bitmap images. The Ink Bottle Tool allows users to add a stroke to objects with a chosen color, using a shortcut or right-click. The Animate application offers a comprehensive range of tools for creating visually appealing and engaging designs.

     If you want to know in detail about the paint bucket tool, read them down below:


     As in session five and six, we talked about shape tools and their usage, but this is still incomplete without adding a color. By default, you may have shape in blue, but what if you want to add a different color. Happily, you are in luck because today we are going to cover color, swatch, Eyedropper Tool, Paint Bucket and Ink Bottle Tool.


     Color panel lets you modify the color palette of a FLA and change the color of stroke and fill. This includes import, export, delete and otherwise modify the color palette for a FLA file by using the swatches panel, select color in hexadecimal mode and create multi-color gradient to produce a wide range of effects: such as giving an illusion of depth to 2D object.

     You can select the color, and you can select any number of color. Overflow modes are supported only in
Adobe Flash player 8 and beyond. The color panel contains stroke color that changes the color of the fill, or the border, of an object, fill color that changes the color of the fill. Color type menu changes the fill style, and the fill is the area of color, which fills up the shape. None removes fill, and solid color provides a single fill color.

     Bitmap fill tiles the selected area with a bitmap image that you can select, and when you apply Bitmap as a fill, the appearance is similar to a mosaic tile pattern with the image repeated within the shape. A dialog box lets you select bitmap image on your download folder and add it to the library. Alpha sets the opacity for the solid color, or the currently selected slider for a gradient fill. Alpha value of 0% creates an invisible fill.

     HSB {Hue, Saturation and Brightness/Blackness} allows you to change the hue, saturation and Brightness/Blackness of the color in a fill. Nonetheless, RGB {Red, Green, Blue} permits you to change the density of the red, green and blue colors in the fill. RGB, HSB or CMYK {Cyan, Magenta, Yellow, Key (Black)} represents a different color model. While, they define color using red, green and blue, their range is different. An alpha value of 100% creates an opaque (Non-transparent) fill, and system color picker lets you select a color visually.

     Hexadecimal values display the current color's hexadecimal code, and hexadecimal color values (Hex value) are 6-digit alphanumeric combinations that represents a color. Color Models describe the colors we see and work in digital drawings, and they use numeric values for representing the visible spectrum of color. Color Space is a variant of a color model within the RGB:
for example, Adobe RGB, Apple RGB, sRGB.


1) Drag the cross-hair pointer until you find the color you want.

2) To change the color using the hexadecimal code, type in a new value.

3) Click the color palette icon to open color panel [Choose, for now, a SOLID COLOR].


     Swatches enable easy reuse and update of colors across drawings. You are able to now create tagged swatches, and once, you create a tagged swatch and apply it to shapes and paths in your Animate content, changing the color in the tagged swatches, will automatically update all the content that is using it. You can specify colors by either selecting HSB or RGB, and the new tagged swatch appears in both colours and swatches tabs of the color panel; in the tool bar. You can select a new color from the color panel for the shape, and you see the option to edit the color properties when you open the color panel after selecting the object that uses the tagged swatch. The setting color swatch displays the currently selected color. The changes are reflected automatically on the stage that uses the tagged swatch.


1) Select a color from your swatch.

2) To unlink the shape that uses a swatch, select the shape -> click on the unlink button.

3) You can double-click on a swatch or select a swatch, click edit -> make changes to the color.

4) If you select a gradient, either Radial and Linear, the current color swatch displays the color transitions within the gradient you create.

5) On the tagged color definition dialog box, specify a name for the new swatch -> Choice of solid color, linear or radial gradient can be selected.

6) Click Window -> Select color that you want to convert to a tagged swatch -> Click the convert to tagged Swatch button on the bottom part of the panel.

Eyedropper Tool:

     A tool I have been mentioning many times is Eyedropper tool. You are able to utilize it to pick out any color on the Animate application. Often you cannot replicate the color or a color scheme but you can pick them out, and you can pick out gradient colors also. You can also pick out a gradient stroke from any shape or drawing, and you can pick out the color, the outline of a drawing or a shape has. You can also pick a color from an imported or a bitmap image.


1) You can click on the eyedropper tool icon or just use the shortcut.

Paint Bucket Tool:

     You understood how to select a color, but to apply them, we need some tool. So, you can use Paint Bucket Tool to click and drag across the object to fill them with the chosen color, and it fills the color wherever dots are captured across the contours. You cannot fill the color until it is a closed path, like we did in lesson VI [Click on lesson VI if you have not read it] or complete shape, and if a color cannot be filled, then that means a path is opened from somewhere. You have one-way in this situation when we do not close any object or shape, but that feature is not a good practice. Rather than using close large or medium gaps, find the gap and close it. By default, don't close gap is selected and close small gaps is also available.

     The lock fill color only works on a gradient, and the option locks gradient or bitmap images. The gradient is a topic for tomorrow, but you have some presets in swatch panel, and all regions of selection are filled with the color while dragging. Specific region of selection, on the other hand, are filled with color, those are similar, while dragging. Lastly, fill on the active layer will only fill color on shape and object that are on the highlighted layer, and I will explain more about layers, when we come to timeline lesson.


1) Click on the Paint Bucket icon or use the shortcut.

2) Click and drag the tool in any direction across the contours.

3) To close a gap, you can extend the stroke or match the line.

4) Before using swapping colour or black and white shortcut, select Paint Bucket Tool.

Ink Bottle Tool:

     You learnt how to add fill color, but what to do if you want to change the stroke color. Ink Bottle Tool can be used to click and drag across the object to add a stroke on them with the chosen color. To close the gap, you can extend the stroke or match the line, and you cannot apply a stroke until it is a closed path, or  a complete shape. If a stroke cannot be made, then that means the path is is opened from somewhere, and you can play with stroke settings.


1) Right-click or hold the left-click on the Paint bucket tool to get it, or simply use a shortcut.

2) Before using swapping colour or black and white shortcut, select Ink Bottle Tool.


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  1. Hey Takzicution,

    I just finished reading your latest article on the Paint Bucket Tool in Animate, and I have to say, it's incredibly detailed and well-explained! Your step-by-step instructions and thorough explanations of each tool make it so easy to follow along and understand. It's clear that you have a deep knowledge of Adobe Animate, and your passion for teaching others really shines through. I'm particularly impressed with how you broke down complex concepts into manageable parts, making it accessible for both beginners and advanced users. Keep up the fantastic work—your tutorials are truly bringing creativity to life!

    Best regards,

    1. Really, Your comments truly cheered me up! That the material was informative and well-explained makes me very happy, making me confirm that what blogs I am making is filling its purpose of helping others. Knowing that you were able to relate to the session and that my enthusiasm for teaching comes through is really appreciative. I'll keep trying my hardest to explain difficult ideas in a way that is understandable to users of all skill levels, especially to 6 years old. I'm thrilled to be bringing dreams to reality with you; your support means a lot to me. We can do anything we set our minds to, so keep creating and exploring!


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