STROKES in Animate



     Adobe Flash offers Shape Tools and Line Tool, which differ in their behavior when intersecting. Shape Tools uses both fill and stroke, while Line Tool only uses strokes. To change color, users can use the Color and Style section in the properties panel, change the alpha (Opacity), remove color completely, or open the advance color picker. Fill-based brushes are easier to manipulate but not as natural as stroke-based brushes. Adobe Illustrator's stroke style and size are crucial for creating shapes. Stroke style can be adjusted by changing the alpha (Opacity), removing color completely, or using the advance color picker. Stroke hinting adjusts lines and curves anchor on full pixels, preventing blurry lines. To change a stroke or fill color of an existing object, users can select the object/objects on the stage, click on the fill/stroke color box, and select a color from a color swatch or eye-dropper.

     If you want to know in detail about the strokes and fills, read them down below:


     In today's lesson, you are going to learn the difference between fill and stroke. Everything that we do in Flash (Animate) involve either a fill or a stroke, sometimes even both. Like I said in previous class, they behave differently when they intersect. So, it is important to understand differences.


    A Fill is a color enclosed by a path. The solid box in the bottom of the tool bar, represents a fill color. When we draw a fill over another, Flash continues both of them to form a single fill shape.

      Fill and stroke behave very differently. It is a bit hard to work with fill, since everything gets stick together. The shape and thickness of the fill scales proportionally. Shape Tools uses both fill and stroke, though Line Tool only uses strokes. Turning outline mode off, both fill and stroke share the same path.

     You can change color from the Color and Style section in the properties panel. You can change the alpha (Opacity), remove color completely or open the advance color picker.

Pen Pressure

     Fills are not easy to manipulate, so we will not be able to get away with lousy drawings. When we click and drag on the fill, the feeling is like we are stretching a bubble gum, but the control and settings of fill is quite simple. Fill-based brushes work better with pen pressure sensitivity. This means that we can get thicker or thinner lines depending on how hard we are pressing while we draw. So, it is best to make use of fill-based brushes when you are drawing with a drawing/display tablet. Some animators like me, love fill because it is much more a natural drawing experience, and it is worth noting that Adobe has added pressure sensitivity support in stroke-based brushes, but this is barely new and it is not quite the same.

Anchor Point

     Their anchor points are different from stroke, and they go all around the shape, forming a closed path that is filled with color. Moving the anchor points change the shape of the closed path and this, in turn, changes the shape of a fill.


1) To find out if the drawing tool uses a fill, is by clicking on any tool bar -> Go to properties panel -> Look at color and style section.

2) To change the color, we can click at the bottom of the tool bar, and clicking on it, you can pick from color swatch, eyedrop from anywhere on the application screen, or just type in a hex-decimal code.

3) The one on the top-left of fill color defaults it to black and white.

4) The arrow icon on top-right of the fill color swaps the stroke and fill colour.


     A stroke is a line of color that precisely follow a path. The shape and thickness of the stroke remains the same. This is because the stroke thickness, size and other settings like its cap, color and width can be controlled in the properties panel. There is a lot of more settings that we can control when it comes to stoke, and each section of the intersect line is essentially treated as its own separate path. For example, you can bend each section of a rectangle independently; you can change its thickness, color or style, and you can also select an entire section and reposition it.

     Strokes are easy to manipulate after drawing, so you can sometimes get away with pretty lousy drawing, and you can just tweak it so that it looks better. Shape Tools uses both fill and stroke, though Line Tool only uses strokes. Turning outline mode off, both fill and stroke share the same path. You can change color from the Color and Style section in the properties panel. You can change the alpha (Opacity), remove color completely or open the advance color picker. Fill and stroke contains control for activating their color boxes, which determine whether the stroke or fill of selected objects are affected by color choices.

     You can hover the pointer over different colors to preview the effect on the shape, and to remove any fill or stroke, click on no color button. No color button only appears when you are creating an oval, rectangle or a polystar shape. You can create an object without a fill or a stroke; however, you cannot use the No Color button with an existing shape. Do acknowledge that we create once, else we modify.

     We can select three cap options: None is flush with the path's end, Round adds a round cap that extends beyond the path end by half the stroke width, and Square add a square cap that extends beyond the path end by half the stroke width. To avoid beveling a Miter join, enter a miter limit. Line lengths exceeding this value are squared instead of pointed.
For example, Miter limit of two for a three-point stroke means that when the length of the point is twice the stroke size, Flash/Animate removes the limit point.

Anchor Points

     There are 2 anchor points on the stroke: one on the top and another at the bottom. The two dots in the center may look like anchor points, but they are bezier handles to control the curve of the stroke. In stroke, both anchor points are connected by a single path that goes right through the center of the shape. Stroke hinting adjust lines and curves anchor on full pixels, preventing blurry vertical and horizontal line.


     If you are drawing lines using the brush or pencil tools with the drawing mode set to Smooth, use the smoothing slider to specify the degree to which Flash/Animate smooths the lines you draw (Optional). By default, the value is set to 50, but you can specify a value from zero to hundred. The greater the smoothing value, the smoother the resulting line. When the drawing mode is set to Ink or Straighten, the smoothing slider is disabled.


1) Enable the stroke hinting by checking the box.

2) Clicking and dragging a stroke, the entire line curves.

3) Select a join option to define how two segments meet.

4) Select an existing stroke/fill and delete it with Delete Key.

5) To select a stroke style, click the style menu and select an option.

6) Click custom in the properties panel, select options in the stroke style dialog box -> Click "Ok" to create a custom style.

7) Selecting a stroke style other than solid can increase fill size, and to select stroke size, set the stroke slider or enter a value in the text box.

8) To change the corners in an open/closed path, select a path and select another join option Miller, Found and Bevel.

9) To change a stroke or fill color of an existing object, first select the object/objects  on the stage -> Click on the fill/stroke color box -> Select a color from color swatch or eye-dropper.

10) To change the color, we can click at the bottom of the tool bar, and clicking on it, you can pick from color swatch, eye-drop from anywhere on the application screen, or just type in a hex-decimal code.

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    1. You're welcome. and I'm truly grateful for your kind words! Helping you guys with accurate information is my pleasure, and if you need anything else, just let me know down in the comment below!


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