The Gradient tool and Transform Tool are essential tools for creating and manipulating gradients in Adobe Photoshop. The Gradient tool allows users to control colors applied beyond the limits of a Linear or Radial Gradient, extend color, and repeat color. The Paint Bucket Tool allows for adjusting the direction and strength of the gradient, while the Radial Gradient tool can be applied to any shape or drawing.

     To create a gradient, users can use the Color Tab, Change Solid to linear or Radial Gradient, drag the brightness slider, and add more colors to the gradient. The Polystar Tool allows for the manipulation of gradients on any shape or drawing, making it easier to apply and manipulate the gradient.

     The Transform Tool and the Gradient Transform Tool are 2 tools used to manipulate designs and shapes. The Selection Tool allows users to apply gradients, translate their shape, and scale, and rotate the gradient's main color. The Gradient Transform Tool allows users to manipulate shapes like translate, rotate, scale, distort, and stew. The Free Transform Tool offers options to scale vertically or horizontally, remove the transform, and modify the shape.

     To manipulate an object, users can use the Free Transform Tool icon or shortcuts to rotate, resize, rotate, and change the origin of scale, stew, and rotate.

     If you want to know in detail about the transform tool, read them down below:


     You may have certainly enjoyed the last-to-last assignment of manipulating the drawing of your own choice. But you were limited to positioning and distortion, but what if you want to change the size. For that, we utilize the tool that you will work with today, and so we will cover what is gradient, Gradient tool and Free Transform Tool.


     Hard back to when I said, 'I will explain Gradient later', so here we go. Gradient is a multi-color fill, in which one color gradually changes into another color, and this is created of 2 colors or more. You can upgrade your basic design using a gradient, and it helps to make even a basic shape or a shape with plain color look and feel 3D. In starting, your gradient consists of two colors, but you can add up to 15 color pointers for creating a gradient.

     Linear gradient create shades from the starting point to the ending point in a straight line, and Radial Gradient creates and blends outward, on the other hand, in a circular path from a circular focus point. Linear RGB creates SVG {Scalable Vector Graphics}-compliant Linear or Radial Gradient. The one you specify as gradient, are repeated in a pattern from the beginning to the end, repeated in the opposite sequence from the end to the beginning, and then, the beginning to the end until the selected shape is filled.

     Flow lets you control colors, those you applied past the limits of a Linear or Radial Gradient, and extend color (Default) applies colors you specify past the end of a gradient. Repeat Color repeats the gradient from the beginning of the gradient  to the end, until the selected shape is filled. First overflow menu is enabled below the top menu, and this is supported only in
Adobe Flash Player 8 or later version. Second, the gradient bar appears, with pointers below the bar indicating the colors in the gradient, and by the way, Reflect color causes the gradient color to fill the shape using a reflective mirror effect. The small arrow turns black to indicate, which gradient is selected, and gradient is added to the swatches panel for the current document, when you make your own gradient.


1) Create a shape or a drawing -> select the fill -> Go to Color Tab -> Change Solid to either linear or Radial Gradient.

2) Drag the brightness slider to adjust the lightness of the color.

3) Click below the gradient bar to add more colors to the gradient.

4) You can create gradients in color panel by adding and adjusting.

5) Select Window -> Color [If you cannot find it in the properties panel].

6) To reposition a pointer on the gradient, drag the pointer along the gradient bar.

7) To add a pointer, click on or below the gradient bar, and select a color for a new pointer.

8) Click on the triangle in the upper-right corner of the color panel, and select add to swatch.

9) Remove the gradient points by dragging the pointer down and off to the gradient definition bar.

10) Clicking and dragging with the Paint Bucket Tool will let you adjust the direction and the strength of your gradient.

11) To change the color, select one of the pointers below the gradient definitive bar, and click on the color panel that appears above.

Gradient Tool:

     Gradient Transform Tool manipulate any gradient, and you may be asking, 'Takzi, why are you applying everything on a Polystar Tool?' It is not like that, you can apply on any shape or drawing. When you press the shortcut key, you find a circular line, which is the focus, and some tiny squares that are the controls. You cannot change the shape but only the gradient that is applied, and the middle square is to translate (Move around) the gradient's main color. The square on the right is to scale, below the scaling point is a square to scale proportionally, and the square below that is for rotation. You can animate the changes of the gradient, and this tool also works with Bitmap images. Linear gradient only has three editing points: rotating, scaling and translating (Moving).


1) Click or keep on pressing left-click on Transform Tool icon, to bring up Gradient Transform Tool, or just use the shortcut.

Free Transform Tool:

     Free Transform Tool is utilize to manipulate your design or shape: like translate, rotate, scale, distort and stew. You can also move objects pivot point, and the selection rotates the center point. Try not to move the center point, while moving the shape around, and it being full of features is a very reason why I always prefer transformation tool for editing more than Selection Tool. The pop-up box for changing the values of "Scale and Rotate" appear when you press the shortcut. The scale, by default, is shown as 100%, and when type number over 100, like 150%, the shape will increase. After finishing values, do not forget to press "Enter", and by default, the rotation is at 0.

     You can only distort a shape, but you cannot distort any group, symbol or image. To distort any of the object:
like object drawing mode or text object, you will have to Break Apart, and setting the options, will prevent from mistakenly doing anything else. For example, if you only click on scale, the selected shape will not rotate or distort. You have options under tools panel and in transform under Modify, as well. You have free transform, rotate and stew, scale, distort, and envelope.

like distort you cannot use envelope in a group or a symbol, rather only on a shape, and the only two ways to do an envelope is by tool panel or going to modify. The pivot pivot point will only be active, when you have free transform selected. The drawing will rotate from wherever you drag your center point, and the tool only works if the drawing is selected. The third way to manipulate an object is through Transform panel, and it does the same thing that you did with transform Tool, but both of them have separate have separate task and different benefits. On top, you will find option to scale vertically or horizontally, and you can remove transform. 3D rotation and 3D center point, you will come to them when you will learn about 3D rotation tool. Furthermore, you have options to duplicate a transformed shape and flip vertical or horizontal.


1) Click on Free Transform Tool icon or use the shortcut.

2) Shift and drag to rotate in 45° angle.

3) Shift and drag to resize proportionally.

4) Alt is for rotating around the opposite corner.

5) Ctrl is for Selection Tool when not on anchor point.

6) Ctrl is also for distorting when positioned over anchor point.

7) To bring it back to its default position, just double click on it.

8) To change the origin of scale, stew and rotate, press down the "Alt" key.

9) To flip an object, go to modify -> Transform -> Flip horizontal or vertical.

10) If you cannot find a transformation panel, then open it from Window menu.

11) You can distort an image equally by holding Shift + Ctrl and pressing to drag.

12) To scale in the respective direction only, drag a corner handle vertically or horizontally.

13) You can remove transform by going to Modify -> Transform -> Remove transformation.

14) Drag an edge handle diagonally to scale in 2 dimensions, to scale the selected drawing.

15) To move your illustrations, you can bring the cursor to the center, then click and drag it around.

16) To rotate an object in 90°, go to Modify -> Transform -> Rotate 90° clockwise/counter-clockwise.

17) To stew the selection, position the arrow on the outline between the transformation handles, and then, drag.

18) You select an object by positioning right outside a corner handle, hold the mouse button and then, you drag it.

19) Under Modify -> Transform, you also can scale and rotate, rotate and stew, envelope, scale, distort and free transform.

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  1. Awesome content once again keep it up

    1. Thank you so much for your kind words, Impeccable! I'm thrilled you are enjoying the content I create. Your encouragement means a lot, and stay tuned for more every Tuesday!


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