STAGE TOOLS in Animate




     In this lesson, we will explore the unique features of Macromedia Flash/Adobe Animate, including the Zoom Tool, Hand Tool, Rotation Tool, and Time Scrub Tool. Zoom Tool assists in zooming the stage in or out, with five options available. The Zoom Tool can zoom in or out, and the Hand Tool allows you to move the stage anywhere on the screen, except for panels and timeline.

     The Rotation Tool temporarily rotates the stage, with two ways to rotate it. To rotate the stage, click the Rotation Tool icon or use the shortcut. The stage can be rotated from the center point (default), and the pivot point can be reset by clicking the center stage button on the top or bottom of the stage.

     The Time Scrub Tool allows us to see the frames on the timeline by scrubbing right or left on the stage. To use the Time Scrub Tool, click on the Time Scrub Tool icon or use the shortcut. The selection tool can be used to select the desired area to zoom in or out, and the Time Scrub Tool can be used to temporarily enable the Time Scrub Tool.

     In summary, Macromedia Flash/Adobe Animate offers a variety of tools for manipulating shapes, zooming in/out of images, and manipulating the stage. These tools are essential for creating visually appealing and engaging animations.

     If you want to know in detail about the arranging shapes, read them down below:


     We discuss how you can move, grow, shrink, and manipulate shapes to what you want to do, but what about moving the stage around and zooming in/out of an image? So today, that is exactly what you will learn today and in the upcoming course, you are going to understand anchor points in detail. In today's lesson, we are covering Hand Tool, Zoom Tool, Rotation Tool, and Time Scrub Tool, which is exclusive to Macromedia Flash/Adobe Animate.


Zoom Tool:


     Zoom Tool assists you with zooming the stage in or out, and there are five ways to zoom into the stage. For example, if the selected option is "Enlarge", then it will zoom out, else if the selected option is "Reduce", then it will zoom in. You can type also a percentage number from magnification.



1) Click on zoom tool or use the shortcut.

2) Go to view -> Zoom in or zoom out.

3) You can go to view -> zoom in or zoom out.

4) Click on Magnification percentage over the stage.

5) Just select the enlarge icon to select or use the shortcut.

6) Double-clicking on the Zoom Tool, to zoom it back to 100%.

7) Double-clicking on the stage with Zoom Tool, it zooms in by 100%.

8) Select the enlarge option, then click on the area you want to zoom out.

9) Use the zoom tool to click on or drag on the area that you want to zoom.

10) Highlight through dragging to zoom in the area, like mouth for mouth shapes.

11) You can click on enlarge icon or reduce icon under the tool panel to zoom in or zoom out.

12) Go to View -> Magnification or use the shortcut: then, select a percentage, you can fit in the Window, center of the stage, show the frame, and show all.

Hand Tool:

     Hand Tool helps you to move the stage anywhere on the screen, except for panels and timeline. If you have selected another tool and want to use the hand, you can hold the space bar, but then move the stage around.


1) Pressing Alt brings the Selection Tool.

2) Click the Hand Tool icon or use the shortcut.

3) Hold the left mouse button -> Drag it to anywhere you want.

Rotation Tool:

     Rotation Tool
temporarily rotates the stage, and there are two ways to rotate the stage. If fit to Window is selected, the Rotation Tool will not work, and click where you want to rotate it from. I normally do it from the center point (Default), and you can reset stage by clicking center stage button on top or bottom of the stage.


1) You can click the Rotation Tool icon or use the shortcut.

2) Press Ctrl for the Selection Tool.

3) Use the Rotation Tool to rotate the stage/canvas.

4) Click on the Rotation Tool icon above or below the stage.

5) Hold down the space bar + Shift + Left-mouse button to rotate it.

6) You can double-click on the Rotation Tool to reset the stage's rotation.

7) Double-clicking on the Rotation Tool icon will reset the pivot point to the center of the stage.

Time Scrub Tool:

     Time Scrub Tool
allows us to see the frames on the timeline, by scrubbing right or left on the stage.


1) Click on the Time Scrub Tool icon or use the shortcut.

2) Press Ctrl for Selection Tool.

3) Hold the left mouse button and drag right or left on the stage.

4) Hold the Space bar + T to temporarily enable the Time Scrub Tool.

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  1. I am highly content that I have such an awesome and talented blog writer who makes it extremely easy for anyone interested in this diverse software to learn a lot of hidden things. Your ability to break down complex tools like the Zoom Tool, Hand Tool, Rotation Tool, and Time Scrub Tool in Adobe Animate is remarkable. The way you detail each function and provide clear, actionable steps truly empowers readers to enhance their creative skills. Thank you for making these tutorials so accessible and engaging!


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