Adobe Flash offers a selection tool that allows users to select an entire shape or its part, using tools like selection, sub-selection, polygon, magic wand, or lasso. This tool allows users to manipulate shapes and create traditional animations, such as using the pointer to create curves or an L on the sides. Macromedia Flash is an advanced animation software that allows users to create any type of animation. To use the Selection Tool, users can click the Selection Tool icon, press Ctrl on any other tool, single-click to select stroke or fill, double-click to select the entire drawing, double-click at the line to select connected strokes, drag and click an object to enclose it with rectangular selection, or hold down "Shift" to click the individual item.

     The Sub-selection Tool is used in Adobe Illustrator, Adobe Illustrator, and Polystar Tool for editing motion paths in animations. The 'Break Apart' option is used to separate Raster/Bitmap images into Vectors, alphabets, and words, reducing file size. However, breaking apart an animated symbol or groups in an interpolated animation is not recommended and may require increasing the application's memory allocation. To use the Sub-selection Tool, select the group, bitmap, or symbol to break apart.


     If you want to know in detail about the selection tools, read them down below:


     In today's class, we are going to learn what is selection tool and how does it have more than meets the eye. You have finally been taught how to draw with brushes and pencil, but now, you want to move it from right to left, up to down and also the other way around. So, today we are covering selection tool, break apart and sub-selection.

     Yes, you will understand what this break apart is that I have been talking about from 3 classes, but first let's understand what selecting tools that Flash includes are. Selecting Tools are to make selection of the entire shape or its particular part. You can choose to select only on object's stroke or its fill, you can make use of selection, sub-selection, polygon, magic wand or lasso tool to select your picture that you drew. Adobe Flash highlights them with a marquee, when you select an object or a stroke, and you can hide selection highlighting to edit objects without viewing highlights.


     Selection Tool is used to select an entire object, and let you take a circle as an example. Whenever, you select an object with the Selection Tool, you get properties of that image on the right hand. Single-click separates the fill from its stroke, and you can select and play around with its stroke attribute. For example, I had a girl in my class who used the stroke as a basketball net, and honestly, that was good creativity. It does not only select but you can do traditional animation (Frame-by-frame) with it.

     There are 3 types of frames in the timeline, but I will teach you that when you come to the timeline chapter. For now, tool topics are going on, and how to manipulate shapes using selecting tools. When your drawing is not selected, you can see that the pointer has a mini curve on it (This will create curve), and you can also see that the pointer has a mini L on the sides (This will increase the point). You can also animate the manipulations, and Macromedia Flash is a very advanced animation software. You can create any type of animation on it, and this is exactly how I practice making animation. I take out any animation done by an industry, whether 2D or 3D, and try to reproduce them. To see each frames, I either opened on YouTube, paused the video and press left-alligator mouth (>), or took it to Premiere/After Effects and then, saw each frame.

     Anyway, you can alter the design of both fills as well as strokes, and when you select the whole shape, you can drag it anywhere. However, when you drag and select a particular part, you can separate that from the main shape: this goes for both fills and strokes. Select All does not select pictures on locked or hidden layers, or layers not on the current timeline, and individual items can be any stroke, fill or drawing-object.


1) Click the Selection Tool icon, press Ctrl on any other tool or use the shortcut.

2) Single-click to just select stroke or fill.

3) Single-click to just select a stroke or a fill.

4) Double-click will select the entire drawing.

5) Double-click at the line to select connected strokes.

6) Drag and click an object to enclose it with rectangular selection.

7) Select the selection Tool -> Hold down "Shift" -> Click the individual item.

8) To disable shift selecting option, deselect it in Animate general preferences.

9) When you see the mini curve icon, and you click and drag, the shape distorts.

10) To select everything on one layer, between keyframes, click the frame on a timeline.

11) When you see the mini L icon, and you click and drag, the pointy edge will lengthen.

12) Drag a Marquee around the object/objects to select them within a rectangular area.

13) To deselect everything on every layer, select Edit -> Deselect All, or use the shortcut.

14) Select Modify -> Arrange -> "Unlock All" to unlock all locked graphic symbols and groups.

15) To select everything on every layer of a scene, select Edit -> Select All, or use the shortcut.

16) Hold down ''Shift'' while making more selections to add a selection with already selected area.

17) Select the group or symbol, and then, select Modify -> Arrange -> "Lock" to lock a group or a graphic symbol.

18) To deselect any individual item from a group of selected object, double-click on the grouped image -> Then, click outside of the image or right-click -> deselect.


     Like having topics and sub-topics, Flash/Animate provides Selection and Sub-selection Tool. Sub-selection Tool is used to edit a motion path of an animation, and you can utilize it in any  element, not necessary to use a Polystar Tool. Like in Adobe Illustrator, you can reshape any closed path, and when you select an object with Sub-selection Tool, you get to see several anchor points as if you have selected Vortex mode in Autodesk Maya. You can click on these points and totally change the shape's look, and you can make it animate in a traditional way (Frame-by-frame animation). We can also curve by using the handles.


1) Use the sub-selection Tool icon or use the shortcut.

2) Single-click to select pointer.

3) "Shift" to select multiple pointers.

4) Right-click or hold the left mouse button over the Selection Tool to get Sub-selection.


     From my previous lesson, I told about 'Break Apart' option, so what is that? Before you head to Selecting Tools II and know what Magic Wand Tool is, you need to understand what is Break Apart. As the name suggest, it is separating and converting any raster/bitmap image into vector, it is also used to separate alphabets from a word. You can break groups and instances apart, which significantly reduces the file size of imported images. Although, you can undo immediately after breaking apart, it is not entirely reversible, and it affect objects as they sever a symbol instances' link to its master symbol. It discards all but the current frame in an animated symbol, it converts a bitmap to a fill, it places each alphabet into a separate text block when applied to text blocks, and to outline when applied to a single text character.

     When you first break apart a text, it separates them, and you break apart again to turn them into Vector Art. Remember not to confuse, Break Apart with Ungroup, and Ungroup separates grouped objects, returning them to a state they were in before. Breaking Apart an animated symbol or groups in an interpolated animation is not recommended and may have unpredictable results. Breaking apart complex symbols or large block of words can take a long time, and you may need to increase the application's memory allocation to properly break apart complex objects.


1) Select the group, bitmap or symbol to break apart.


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  1. Hey there takzicution. Thank you so much and I will keep thanking you because no blogger or literally no one makes it this easy to explain adobe animate I mean u have created alot of new keyboard shortcuts which u know so well. You are helping many fellow students, and also people who are currently in the industry to grasp and really get the grip of animate which was called flash!

    1. Hey Impeccable! Thank you immensely for your kind words and ongoing support. I'm thrilled to hear that you find the explanations and keyboard shortcuts helpful for Adobe Animate. It's rewarding to know that I'm making a difference for students and professionals alike. Your encouragement keeps me motivated to continue sharing insights on this versatile tool. Cheers to mastering Animate (formerly Flash) together!


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