In this session, we will explore the selection, manipulation, and movement of various tools in drawing. We will cover the Magic Wand Tool, which works with imported images/Bitmaps and hides highlighting of an object while selecting and editing it. It selects a particular color from a bunch of them and can be used to remove a background, sky, or change the color of a cloud.

     The Lasso Tool is used to create an irregular selection outline on a drawing, allowing you to change the color of the selected region. It is used in many drawing and animating software, allowing you to randomly select parts of an object and leave some to be left.
Flash (Animate) closes the Selection outline and highlights the selected areas.

     The Polygon Tool is a selecting tool used to define a selected area with a series of connected straight-edged lines. It is not free-hand, but allows you to separate the shape or selected part and change its color. To access the Polygon Tool, click on the icon or use the shortcut, right-click or hold the left-mouse key over the tool, and double-click at the starting point to end the selection or select any other tool. To remove the Polygon Tool Modifier from the tool, navigate to the options area in the Tools Panel.


     If you want to know in detail about the selection tools, read them down below:


     We talked about tools, through which you can simply select, manipulate and move it around. Still, what if you do not want to select in a rectangle or the whole connected shape, then you make use of the other selecting tools that you will undergo today. So, in today's session, we will cover Lasso Tool, Polygon Tool and Magic Wand Tool.


     Let us start with Magic Wand Tool, which is very different in Macromedia Flash/Adobe Animate from the one in Adobe Photoshop, and the first thing to keep in mind is Magic Wand Tool only works with imported images/Bitmap, but not Vector Art. It is used to select areas of Bitmap photos that contains the same/similar colors, and you can hide highlighting of an object while selecting and editing it. It selects a particular color from bunch of them, and if you want to remove a background, sky or change the color of cloud, you use the tool.

     If you click on one color with this tool, the whole segment of that color will be selected, and under tool settings, you can set the smoothing and also the threshold. The threshold can be identified like Tolerance option in Photoshop, and the more the percentage, the more range it is going to cover up. Also, the less the percentage, the more it will define the color, and you can change the chosen color into another.


1) Click on the Magic Wand tool icon or use the shortcut.

2) Select View -> Hide Edges

3) Keep the Lasso Tool selected and click the Magic Wand Tool by keep on pressing the left-button or clicking the right-mouse button.


     Lasso Tool is used to create an irregular selection outline [On other words, not rectangular or circular] on your drawing, and you can change the color of the selected region. This tool is used in many drawing and animating software. You can randomly select some part of an object, and some you can leave. Based on your setting preferences, you can choose to enclose the drawing-object or partially cover to select. Flash (Animate) closes the Selection outline and highlights the selected areas. Using the anchor points, you can also rig a character [More on that later in the course].


1) Click on Lasso Tool icon or click the shortcut.

2) Hold Ctrl for bringing Selection Tool.

3) Hold "Alt" to make free-hand into a straight line.

4) To select the inner circle of an object, drag Lasso Tool around it.

5) Click and drag to trace around a drawing or an image you want to select.

6) End the loop approximately where you begin, and let Flash, or let go of the mouse button.


     Remember when I warned you not to get confused between Polygon and Polystar Tool back in Shape Tools lesson, and I also told you that Polygon Tool name is used for another tool, which we will study about right now [If you have not seen lesson 1, click on Shape Tools]. So, Polygon Tool is a selecting tool that is used to define a selected area with series of connected straight-edged lines, and first of all, unlike Lasso Tool, Polygon Tool is not free-hand. You can separate the shape or selected part if you want, and you can also change its color: like in Lasso Tool.


1) Click on Polygon Tool icon or use the shortcut.

2) Right-click or hold the left-mouse key over Lasso Tool to get Polygon Tool.

3) Double-click at the starting point to end  the selection or select any other tool.

4) Deselect the Polygon Tool Modifier of this tool by going to options area in the Tools Panel.


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  1. I am highly contened that I have such an awesome talented blog writer who makes it extremely temeely easy for any one interested in this diverse software to learn alot of hidden things

    1. Thank you so much for your enthusiastic feedback, Impeccable! I'm really glad that you find the blog helpful. Your support means a lot and inspires me to keep sharing valuable insights. Stay tuned for more content that aims to make learning easy and enjoyable!


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